Succes expected

Nov 10, 2005 13:40 GMT  ·  By

Following its huge success on the PS2 platform, "Gametrak: Real World Golf", the revolutionary golf game where you swing a club to play, is coming to PC.

"Real World Golf" on PC has all the features of the best-selling PS2 version, and is the perfect Christmas present for golfers and gamers alike. The game will start shipping on 23rd November.

Some game features: - Every aspect of your swing is tracked in real time and shown onscreen. - Just adjust your swing to pitch or fade, top or spin the ball - everything you can do in real golf you can do in Real World Golf! - The voice of legendary golf commentator, Peter Alliss. - Five stunning 18-hole courses, plus driving range. - Multiplayer modes for up to four players - Party games - golf darts, through-the-hoops, target practice, and car smashing! - In-depth video tutorials with a golf professional teach you how to stand, grip, swing and more.

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