Gamers can also get more cars and a new powerful rifle

May 7, 2014 21:16 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Rockstar announces that the much-awaited High Life update for the Grand Theft Auto Online experience will be delivered to gamers on May 13 and will introduce high-end new luxury apartments for the game, alongside multi-property ownership, four new vehicles and a new weapon, the Bullpup rifle.

Gamers can now acquire a number of new prime pieces of real estate in the Eclipse Towers, Richards Majestic and other areas, all of them with a new interesting set of interior designs.

There are also new vehicles for gamers to acquire when High Life for GTA Online launches: The Enus Huntley S (SUV), Dewbauchee Massacro (sports), Pegassi Zentorno (super) and Dinka Thrust (motorcycle).

Rockstar explains in an official site update that, "The High Life Update also adds 'Non Contact' to the bevy of available Race options, which will allow you to play standard Races with collisions disabled between player's vehicles (other players appear as semi-transparent and you'll still be able to collide with non-player traffic, structures and other scenery)."

At the in-game Ammu-Nation store, gamers can pick up the Bullpup Rifle in order to expand their options both on the attack and the defensive.

The developers add, "the new Mental State player stat shows you just how passive or psychotically unhinged fellow players in your session really are – so you'll know if you need to have it at the ready when they approach. The High Life Update also includes new wardrobe options, vehicle horns and player toasts/celebrations as well as 15 new Jobs - including 5 new Contact Missions."

The High Life update for GTA Online will be free for all those who are playing the game after purchasing GTA V and the developers say that they do not expect any downtime when the new content is deployed, on May 13.

The new multiplayer-focused experience has been a success with fans of the franchise and the Rockstar team in charge of it says that it has long-term plans to add more updates that expand the features of the game.

At the same time, the company says that it wants to enable gamers to create their own content and that it will continue to explore player-made levels and select the best in order to then promote them to the community.

Rumors suggest that next-gen versions of GTA V will be launched before the end of the year.