The second update of GNOME 2.20.0 is available!

Nov 29, 2007 08:29 GMT  ·  By

The second update of GNOME 2.20.0, version 2.20.2, was released yesterday. The next update - 2.20.3 - should be launched until January 7 2008, being the last one for the 2.20 branch.

If you're wondering what's new and what bugs were fixed in 2.20.2, here is a list with the most important changes:

Eye of Gnome, or eog, is version 2.20.3 now and has some plugin API additions and fixes, with many cleanups and fixed memory leaks. Also, this new edition has support for exempi 1.99.5 and now supports color management.

Epiphany 2.20.2 can now set page header and footer margins to a reasonable value when printing. The "Go" button behavior is consistent with "Enter"'s one. Both of them search for keywords or load the URL inserted by the user.

The GNOME Desktop Manager (gdm), version 2.20.2, comes with icon improvements, fixed leaks and bugfixes for problems like the one which caused XDMCP to not work properly. Translations of the GNOME Desktop (gnome-desktop-2.20.2) documentation in languages like Hungarian, Arabian and Irish Gaelic are included in this release.

GtkHTML-3.16.2 2007-11-26 fixes bugs like these ones:

• Use stock icons when converting an emoticon to an image. • Do not recalculate size of the object every call of set_max_height. • URLs with ampersand ("&") don't work. • Free memory. • Change focused object only when not focused before. • Accept also spaces between element name and end of tag when looking for end of style/script tag. • Ignore duplicate SpellError objects.

Metacity is version 2.20.1 and will offer you a lot of improvements. The memory leak in the widget previewer was fixed, just like the markup parsing problems with long titles for the Alt+TAB popup. The heuristic for focus stealing prevention with transients when no timestamp is available was improved.

Tomboy, the note taking utility, had a security vulnerability in startup scripts which is now fixed, in version 0.8.2. The application is packed with additional language translations.

GStreamer 0.10.15 "October" has improvements in various core elements and parent classes, changes for asynchronous sink management, faster typefinding and new GstController LFO feature. Many other bugfixes and improvements are present in this new version.

Glib-2.14.4 comes with fixes for the following bugs, and more:

• builddir != srcdir build broken • outptrs uninitialized after g_parse_long_long • Insufficient pkg-config version requirement • glib-mkenums shifts ARGV[0] to undefined • gobject documentation patch • tests/regex-test fails on 64bit environment

GNOME 2.20.2 will really improve the way your Linux distribution works, because it is much more stable and faster than 2.20.1. You should update as soon as possible, if you want to take advantage of the improvements (there are a lot more than I noted here)!

You can download GNOME 2.20.2 right now from Softpedia!