Nuclear plant in Taiwan appears to have been leaking irradiated water for over 3 years

Aug 11, 2013 20:46 GMT  ·  By

News from Taiwan says that a state-owned nuclear plant appears to have been leaking contaminated water for nearly 3 years.

This piece of information hit the media shortly after it had become public news that Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant might be leaking contaminated water not just into its surroundings, but also in the Pacific Ocean.

The Taiwanese plant is located in the country's coastal area of Shihmen, Inhabitat reports.

By the looks of it, the contaminated water originates from the storage pools of two of the plant's reactors, Taiwanese government watchdog Control Yuan says.

According to Bloomberg, roughly 19.8 liters (5.5 gallons) of contaminated water have been collected from these leaking pools over the past 3 years.

Taiwan Power No. 1, i.e. the company in charge of operating the plant, maintains that the pools are not leaking, and that the contaminated water is merely runoff from rain.

One other explanation the company has offered is that the water became contaminated after it had been used to clean up the floor.

Control Yuan disagrees, and argues that, all things considered, the contaminated water is the result of a leak which is yet to be halted.

Hopefully, more information on the matter at hand will soon follow.