The OS found its way onto a can

Jul 31, 2006 07:32 GMT  ·  By

Yes, the latest operating system from Microsoft has reached its final form and is free for the taking. Users can open the new Vista on the spot and won't have to wait until January in order to do so. But there is a catch. While Redmond Company put Vista in the fridge it actually rebranded cans of Talking Rain sparkling water with the future OS's logo. So in all fairness, Microsoft is delivering free Lemon-Lime sparkling water to its employees.

The Redmond Company has made sure that the new Vista cans are widely available on campus so that its employees may enjoy all benefits of the cool and smoothing refreshment beverage, while the elusive operating system barring a similar name is yet to boot on their desktops. Until January 2007, Microsoft staff can have a taste of the three Cs displayed on the Vista sparkling water cans: "Confident, Clear, Connected".

Recently, Steve Ballmer has reassured analysts of Microsoft's commitment to ship Windows Vista in the already set dates in November and January. There have however been others at Microsoft that took a more realistic stand and claimed that the latest OS will only see the reseller's shelves light if the application will meet certain very exigent security standards. Otherwise the operating system will suffer yet another delay. Neither of them specified if the Lemon-Lime flavor will still be available.