Jul 28, 2011 08:23 GMT  ·  By

Windows Azure is just one of the offerings from Microsoft for which the company is providing a complex collection of training resources, and the content designed to help customers get started using the Cloud platform has just been updated.

Customers looking to start getting up-and-running quickly with Windows Azure now have four new tutorials at their disposal, revealed Mike Tillman, Managing Editor, Windows Azure.

The content has been authored with Cloud developers and IT professionals in mind, but at the same time, a range of additional resources are available to customers embracing Windows Azure.

For example, the software giant introduced a new tutorials section on the Windows Azure official website, where it centralizes diversified training content

“The new tutorial landing pages bring together the best Windows Azure tutorials from across several Microsoft sites and group them by task and experience level to make it easy to identify the tutorial that best meets your needs,” Tillman said.

The tutorials part of the Windows Azure site contains the four new resources just published by the software giant, providing guidance through the most basic steps of adopting Microsoft’s Cloud platform, details on how to put together a Hello World Cloud app, and how to build the first fully-fledged application.

According to Tillman, “The new getting started tutorials cover several common scenarios:

Installing the SDK and Getting a Subscription walks through the process of setting up a Windows Azure development environment and registering for a Windows Azure subscription. Deploying a Windows Azure Sample Application describes how to deploy and configure a pre-packaged Windows Azure application. Developing a Windows Azure Hello World Application Using ASP.NET MVC 3 describes how to create a basic web application and deploy it to Windows Azure. Developing a Windows Azure Data Application Using Code First and SQL Azure expands on the Hello World application by using the Entity Framework Code First feature to add a SQL Azure database component."