Bose makes up with the not-so-happy customers

Mar 9, 2007 08:45 GMT  ·  By

Last time we spoke about Bose, they weren't in a very convenient situation as their newly-released headphones were releasing themselves from the ears of their owners dues to the earbuds not fitting that snug inside the people's ears.

Back then, Bose announced that after making brief investigations upon this issue, they will somehow find a way to make things right. They didn't exactly apologize but in any case, all the declarations emitted by Bose staff sounded rather like an "I'm sorry".

As Bose is a very serious name, they kept their promise and, at the event held at the Columbus Circle Bose store, they shed full light on the problem. Admitting there was something "not in perfect order" with the ear pieces of the Bose headphones, Bose staff announced that all the silicon earbuds have been redesigned for better fitting.

Apart from this very important move, Bose changed only the coloring of the headphones' cable and made it in the zebra-fashion, black and white. Even more, Bose understood that something more had to happen to make customers really happy again. And since it was the perfect time for research and development, Bose specifically underlined they will add two more thingies to their headphones, to make sure they'd never fall again.

The first piece is a clip, attached to the headphones' cable so the tug and stress stopped in the clip itself rather than in the ear pieces, causing them to "pop". No matter if jogging or carrying out other physical activities, this time the belt player and the total length of the cable will not be pulling anymore your music gear from your ears.

The second enhancement Bose plans for the same issue is a lanyard which will actually strap the headphones around your neck, further easing the stress on the actual ear-silicon bud couple and of course, allowing the user to take out the headphones without the need to store them in a pocket but simply leave them hang on the lanyard.

Having solved this "stability issue" - as Bose politely and elegantly named the fact that their headphones were falling off - has also raised another problem: how will all these come in the possession of Bose customers who had already bought the headphones. As Bose is truly a royal name in the industry, all the Bose headphones owners will receive the new buds and (as soon as they are released) clip and lanyard by mail, free of any charge. When the enhancements become officially available, Bose said that they will be included in the basic package as well.

Well, what can I say... once more, Bose has demonstrated that a good name means good service.