The channel accuses developers of segregation and underlines negative reactions

Jan 15, 2013 14:57 GMT  ·  By

Noted right wing media outlet Fox News is jumping right into the controversy brewing around the addition of same-gender relationships in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the MMO from BioWare and Electronic Arts.

The news-focused organization notes that “everyone” involved with the game is part of the controversy and says that confining all the same-gender relationships represents a form of segregation.

Fox News also cites a number of gamers who are disappointed with the BioWare move towards gender equality and want to restore Star Wars to its previous straight glory.

It does not note the messages of support on the official BioWare forums or the company’s pledge, launched during 2012, to make sure that it promotes sexual equality in all its forms in its video games.

Same-gender relationships will be introduced on the planet of Makeb via the new Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion.