Swastikas, no. Nazis, yes.

Feb 20, 2008 18:06 GMT  ·  By

LucasArts declares that it plans to launch LEGO Indiana Jones on all platforms on June 3rd, 2008 in the USA. Following the success of LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Star Wars: The Original Trilogy, LucasArts wants players to experience the adventures of the 3 Indiana Jones movies all rolled into one big game.

The atmosphere of the Indiana Jones movies is a bit different from the atmosphere of the Star Wars movies, so the games will end up being different experiences. Indiana Jones will have a lot more puzzles and a little less fights in it. LucasArts has recently disclosed that up to 4 players will be able to do co-op gaming, although most of the puzzles in the game only take 2 players to complete. If you're a single player veteran, no need to worry as the computer will play the characters needed to solve the co-op puzzles.

LucasArts also mentioned that the story of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark had not been chopped up in any way other than to remove the swastikas that we're prominently featured in the movies. So, there are still plenty of chances to blow up, whip into submission and otherwise hurt unsuspecting master race Nazis. Which is what the do-good gamer in all of us really wants to do.

The team at Traveller's Tales, the developers of the title, say that humor will be a centerpiece of the game experience and that the intellectual property from the new Indiana Jones movie, to be released a week before the game, will not feature into the game. It's probably just a matter of LucasArts setting aside a bit of content for the inevitable expansion.

The game has no official release date for Europe yet. We'll get back to you when Activision, in charge of European distribution, come up with a date.