Flowers are used to provide emotional health through synaesthesia - the union of sweet smells, optimistic colors and caressing sight.

Jul 6, 2006 11:35 GMT  ·  By

Flowers have an immediate impact upon stressful or depressive states by bringing delight and happiness in our lives and providing a long term positive effect on our good mood.

There has been developed a new type of complementary therapy called flower therapy. It is thought that our emotional states can be elevated or turned from negative into positive ones through flower therapy.

The multiple benefits we receive from this therapy are related to the form, color and smell a flower gives off. Flowers provide us with a pleasant view and a beautiful smell, inducing emotional health through synaesthesia.

Red roses enhance the energy in our body and make us more active by stimulating adrenal glands, the indigo of an iris makes us more confident and tranquil by removing fear or inhibition, sunflowers boost energy and also make us more optimistic, bluebells release melotonin - the "sleep protein" in our organism and therefore induce a good night's sleep, orange daisies act favorably upon our lungs and immune system by keeping away allergenic factors, while lilacs and green zinnias remove stress and anxiety.

Also, the impact of flowers present at workplaces was scientifically proved to enhance productivity and the energy level, improving at the same time short and long term memory. They also improve companionship and relationship among colleagues in the workplace.

Leatrice Eiseman is the Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute and strongly believes in the curing effects of these frail and tender plants. She thinks that color therapy and flower therapy are very much alike due to the fact that they both use color energy in order to improve moods and chase away sadness and distress. "Color can help us find the balance we seek from our surroundings. And flowers are an ideal way to harness the power of color to enrich our lives," she says.

Internationally acknowledged color expert Leatrice Eiseman stated that "our response to color is intensely emotional and flowers can be a catalyst for feelings that stimulate more than just our senses of sight and smell. An artful floral arrangement has the ability to convey a feeling or create a mood without using words, just color."

The color expert recommends us five types of floral arrangements, each for enhancing a different state of mind, depending on the predominant color.

She says that soft yellows and greens, peach shades, warm pinks and creamy whites form a palette of fragile and tender colors - nurturing colors - that are extremely beneficial for emanating confidence and cheerfulness all around and caressing sick individuals.

Lavender and pink colors create a romantic environment through inferring intimacy and love feelings.

Hot reds, purples, pinks and oranges create sensuous, passionate and seductive settings for lovers.

Light shades of sea and sky colors - green and blues - make a floral arrangement perfectly suited for a place in which serenity and peace of mind is needed.

Playful and joyous feelings are induced by a whimsical arrangement of powerful, contrasting colors. This type pf arrangement can be successfully used for birthdays and any kind of celebrations.

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