A new alarm system warns the animals to stay away from boats

Jul 17, 2012 09:32 GMT  ·  By

Because manatees respond better to high-pitched sounds, rather than low-pitched one, many of these animals are accidentally injured by boat propellers, simply because they don't get out of the way fast enough.

However, one city in Florida, Crystal River, decided to take immediate action and help remedy this issue, especially since there are only 3,500 manatees still left in the wild and therefore each and every one of them is crucial for the survival of the species.

The plan is to have an innovative alarm system that emits high-pitched sounds installed on boats. Apparently, the experiments conducted showed that this alarm is an utter success, as the animals moved away from the boat every time they heard it.

From where we stand, such a project is more than welcomed, as it pushes for our taking better care of the planet's remaining biodiversity.