Tenebraex's Color Path technology will help soldiers see all colors at night

Mar 28, 2007 10:08 GMT  ·  By

So you really want to see what's the color of the "predator" that's moving the chair while you try to get asleep. Tenebraex Corp.'s color night vision goggles will cost you 6000 $. Hold the fireworks! You're not going to put your eyes in these because they're going straight to the U.S. Pentagon. At least that's what Tenebraex says. Tenebraex Corp. has already "helped the troops" by developing vision protection systems since 1992.

A CCNVD (Color Capable Night Vision Device) combines a standard scope with a pair of rotating filters that vary the intensity of light coming from different colored objects. Compared to other color systems, it is unaffected by factors like temperature and light.

You (considering you will be recruited in the U.S. Army) can choose to see images in quarter-moon night levels or in standard monochromatic green vision (green and black). If light levels dip too low for any color to be seen, you can twist its knob in order to switch back to the standard monochrome green night vision you already know after watching one of Paris Hilton's sex tapes (that green bothered lots of horny teens).

Tenebraex is also working on the technology that could help color-blind people see the world in all of its colors. The already available eyePilot software won't help them recognize colors outside their homes.

The first Color Path scopes will be available this summer. Maybe we'll get to hear some MTF values until then. And again, maybe, they'll redesign the chinstrap. It really looks painful. Oh, one more thing. If the army is buying this, soldiers will probably act differently after seeing the blood's "real" color at night. Will the deal work? We'll see.

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Color Path goggles
Color Path device
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