And an exclusive interview with Sierra Entertainment's Pete Wanat

May 21, 2007 08:50 GMT  ·  By

SpikeTV's Game Head has done the marvelous job of bringing forth the first gameplay footage of Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, coming from Sierra Entertainment. The video also features an interview with Pete Wanat, following yesterday's news of the title's PS3 port. With "Assault on Dark Athena," the Chronicles of Riddick is getting a next-gen face-lift like you've never seen.

Wanat talks to Spike TV mainly about the game's next-gen graphics (great visuals if I may add), while the video shows off some impressive gameplay and character movement from a first-person perspective. Don't worry about the Halo 3 "break," just watch past it.

With 'The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay', the game functioned as a prequel to Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick movies, with combat sequences featuring first-person fighting and gunplay, blending stealth and combat and restricting the supply of ranged weapons, forcing the player to rely on makeshift knives (also called a shiv) and clubs.

Wanat promises fans to see Vin Diesel again in action and this time, gamers will be able to use the SIXAXIS' motion sensitivity function (what, you didn't know it had it?). Thus, Riddick will dispatch enemies close-up with a wide range of weapons, performing special moves like breaking a guard's neck or grabbing hold of his weapon and using it against him - all the stuff that Diesel does in his movies - a piece of cake... to him.

Pete Wanat also teases about an upcoming game, sporting multiplayer mode, as CoR is only about single player. Oh and take a good look at the movement of the characters. I didn't hear anything about the developer using Epic's Unreal Engine 3, but it sure looks like something of the kind.

Again, be sure to watch past the Halo 3 break so you don't miss anything.