The video showing a finger adaptation of break-dancing moves goes viral

Dec 4, 2013 12:55 GMT  ·  By

Even if the hilarious video has been around for almost three years, it just became viral when a finger break-dancing artist busted moves at an official competition.

Lilach Chen gathered hundreds of admirers after her mini Adidas sneakers gained a special place in the Red Bull organized dancing competition. The manual adaptation of break-dancing is quite interesting using both fingers and parts of the hand to do some amazing moves.

Others were inspired by Chen's video and started doing their own performances dressing their hands in full hip-hop style outfits. Finger break-dancing is now an official category in dance competition with Chen as a judge and lots of contestants trying to win her admiration.

Finger break-dancing is now competing for views with finger-boarding, another similar trend that involves miniature skateboards. Other hand-based adaptations include hand-fighting with martial art inspired moves, used recently in a Cheetos commercial.

Take a look at the finger break-dancing moves in the video above.