Listening to your favorite tracks can help you be more active

Mar 25, 2009 18:21 GMT  ·  By

Keeping to a regulate workout routine can be one of the most challenging things we have to do, especially since there are so many things in our daily life that can act as strong distractions. Then, there is the question of finding strong enough motivation to keep going or, depending on the case, to get back up on the wagon after falling off it. As a recent FitSugar post says, training with music can offer sufficient motivation during a workout.

There are a few things we have to pay attention to, though, when running with music. For starters, if we’re jogging in the city and not in the park, we should pay attention to traffic and other people on the street. This basically leaves us with two options: either no music at all, or music with a low volume, so as to be able to concentrate both on our surroundings and our own moves. However, if we train in the park, the choice of wearing headphones or not is only up to us, and depends on each of us individually.

Working out at the gym with music is also said to be more efficient. Some disagree with that, saying that all the noise breaks their concentration, and they can no longer focus on their breath and steps, which makes their workout less efficient and considerably harder. However, most believe that music is a very strong motivator, for one, because it helps them not think about the effort they’re making to work out.

Just like a recent study on positive thinking during a workout showed that not dwelling on the negative aspects made exercising feel easier, so does music contribute to taking our mind off the pain and the strain, it has been pointed out. In this sense, training on our favorite beat feels more like dancing, if one was to make a comparison, because we’re enjoying more what it is that we’re doing at the time without paying any attention to the negative aspects of working out.

Of course, on the other hand, it has been argued, there is also the option of training in perfect silence, thus being able to focus one hundred percent on your training. However, this means that, if you’re one of the people who choose to go without music, you have already found your motivation for working out, so it would only be a hindrance for you at this point.