Gamers will get a number of enhanced features

May 18, 2015 23:04 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Square Enix in charge of Final Fantasy XV is announcing that it will be launching a new version of the demo for the title, called Episode Duscae, at some point in the first week of June of this year.

The company explains that all those who have managed to get the first version of the experience will get access to it and that they are planning not to offer it in any stores as a standalone product.

The development team has taken into account all the feedback offered by fans of Final Fantasy and wants to make sure that it addresses all perceived problems.

Hajime Tabata, the game director working on the new Japanese role-playing game at Square Enix, says that the frame rate has been improved, the game is more stable overall, and that the camera should be better able to follow players during action sequences.

Final Fantasy XV is also offering a better control system which will make it easier to avoid attacks that the player can see coming and a range of other unspecified tweaks.

Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae 2.0 can be obtained by placing an order for the High Definition version of Final Fantasy Type-0 on the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One.

Final Fantasy XV will mark a new beginning for the series

The biggest change for the new JRPG is a move to a more modern setting, which includes cars and clothing that would be recognizable to any player, although some of the core themes of the series will not be changed.

Final Fantasy XV will introduce a new Active Cross Battle system, which is designed to be very responsive and to encourage the gamer to move to defeat enemies quickly and efficiently.

Noctis Lucis Caelum is the main character, and gamers will need to work together with an extensive cast in order to reach their objectives and explore the entire world.

Final Fantasy XV is supposed to arrive on the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, and the publisher is insisting that it will be offered in 2015.  

Final Fantasy XV Images (10 Images)

Final Fantasy XV protagonist
Final Fantasy XV worldFinal Fantasy XV story moment