Promotional anti-mortgage materials

Jul 19, 2008 12:24 GMT  ·  By

Many people are frustrated with the enormous amount of money they have to pay for their mortgage. The least lucky of them already lost all of their belongings, and putting the blame on the mortgage brokers seems like it eases the pain. Two websites railed against the industry by promoting materials that don't speak highly of these agents - literally.

"Mortgage Brokers convinced buyers they 'could always refinance' however when the housing bubble burst, refinancing was no longer an option. Millions were suddenly stuck with astronomical loan payments, with no choice but to foreclosure," says The website, which sells t-shirts and teddy bears with messages like "Beware of the mortgage broker", tries to underscore the other side of the story. While people are blamed, most of the time, for not reading carefully the contract, the guilt is not them, as the website claims, but of the brokers who sell fake dreams.

The other website, wich belongs to the same owner, goes further. On the front page, a petition to the U.S. Congress is opened for all those who lost their homes and want to put an end to the mortgage industry. As of today, only 19 people decided to give a signature for the cause and it seems like the initiative will fail. Not that online petitions were considered legal and could change something anyway.

For those who want to give a hand to the project, the petition is opened until December 31, when up to a million signatures are expected to be raised. "At AngryMob T-shirts we want to help you vent your anger. Don't go postal and shoot your co-workers! Fight back through the freedom of expression," are some of the pieces of advice given by the author of the website. He also has a solution for those who are angry for no reason in particular. The "I was the leader of that angry mob" can do the job for anyone whose frustrations deserve to be displayed on a t-shirt.