Males belonging to this species have a tough time getting a date, study shows

Aug 18, 2013 20:36 GMT  ·  By

If you think you're having a hard time getting that special someone's attention, wait till you hear what male gray tree frogs have to do to get a date.

Apparently, females belonging to this species are rather picky, and only fall for males that can multitask.

For these frogs, multitasking boils down to being healthy and showing potential for being a great parent, all at the same time.

To prove that they possess both these qualities, male gray frogs produce mating calls. These calls can have a duration ranging from 20-40 pulses per call, and the frogs produce somewhere between 5-15 of them per minute.

Needless to say, the longer a male's calls are, the fewer of them are produced, EurekAlert reports.

The only problem is that female frogs like calls that are both long, and considerably frequent. Otherwise put, the males must really strain themselves.

“It's kind of like singing and dancing at the same time,” researcher Jessica Ward explains.

The males that manage to produce calls that are both lengthy and frequent are labeled as “good quality,” and are therefore the first to get the lady frogs' attention.