May 18, 2011 08:03 GMT  ·  By

Speculation that First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy may be with child has been around for many weeks but, until now, no one close to her stepped forward with confirmation. Her father-in-law is doing just that in a statement to a German publication.

PopEater informs that Sarkozy’s father told in a statement that, indeed, Carla was expecting her first child with the politician, which would come to confirm recent tabloid reports.

“The two do not want to know the gender in advance, but I’m sure it will be a girl and as beautiful as Carla,” Pal Sarkozy told the German magazine.

As far as the presumed expectant mommy is concerned, she’s still keeping mum on the rumors. In a recent televised interview, she barred the reporter from asking her questions about the pregnancy, PopEater says.

Nevertheless, when the reporter congratulated her, thus delicately sidestepping the ban, she just laughed and didn’t say anything.

Her mom, on the other hand, is dropping hints to the Italian media that she may be a grandma soon again, says the aforementioned e-zine.

“Bruni’s mother, Marisa Bruni Tedeschi, isn’t staying mum. She insinuated to the Italian La Stampa newspaper that the couple may be expanding their family,” PopEater says.

Word in the local media even has it that Carla may be expecting twins since her bump seems to be growing visibly by the day, which couldn’t be explained even if her slender model figure were taken into account.

Should the above be accurate, this would be the Presidential couple’s first child together, but not the only offspring of the family.

Carla Bruni has a boy from a previous relationship, while also Sarkozy has three children.

This is why Carla once said they were in no hurry to have babies and that they weren’t going to “fight against nature” to be parents again, when adoption rumors started to make the rounds.