The developer has not decided whether it will use Kickstarter

Feb 28, 2012 01:51 GMT  ·  By

Wasteland might very well be the next project which will be funded via the Kickstarter site and the man behind the original game says that he has been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time.

Brian Fargo, who is the chief executive officer at InXile, told the No Mutants Allowed fan site that, “I have been wanting to make a sequel to Wasteland for nearly 20 years so it seems that it is long overdue and an overnight possibility all at once.”

He added, “We were a small developer when we made the Bard’s Tale series and Wasteland but despite their success we just were not making very much money. I had a vision of hiring talented people in their respective areas to work as a team rather than rely on the talents of just a few people.

“We became a publisher and EA kept those rights so I assembled a team to create Fallout. Fallout had so many ties to Wasteland and did a beautiful job of setting the mood and keeping the tactics interesting.”

Fargo also talked about the Kickstarter initiative that Double Fine and Tim Schafer launched for their next role-playing projects, saying that the whole gaming industry was surprised by its success.

The Double Fine initiative has managed to get more than 2 million dollars (1.48 million Euro) in backing.

Fargo says that there’s already a foundation for the development of the new Wasteland because of work the developer has done with Jason Anderson, mainly on character and narrative.

The Fallout series, which was originally based on the Wasteland concept, has been very successful in the last few years, with both the third installment from Bethesda and the New Vegas spin-off, created by Obsidian, managing to sell very well and gather critical acclaim.

It’s not yet clear whether the Wasteland revival process will end up using Kickstarter for financing or will get support from a more traditional publisher.