Aug 25, 2010 13:42 GMT  ·  By
Fantasia Barrino puts in appearance on GMA to talk about her recent suicide attempt
   Fantasia Barrino puts in appearance on GMA to talk about her recent suicide attempt

Singer and American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino tried to take her own life earlier this month by swallowing an entire bottle of pills and now, in an interview with GMA, she explains why.

Since winning AI, Fantasia has been getting a lot of media and, as she says for Good Morning America, it wasn’t all for her incredible voice or the music material she put out.

In fact, the media and the public seemed bent on focusing on the negative aspects of her life only, and to create drama even where none was to be had. After 6 years, it was only understandable that she cracked.

Barely containing her tears, Fantasia tells Robin Roberts of GMA (see the interview below) that she eventually came to a point where she felt she could no longer take being the target of all evils.

To this, she adds her financial problems, the issues she was having with her family and, perhaps most importantly, the fact that no one would listen to her music anymore.

The straw that broke the camel’s back, though, came on the morning of August 11, when she received a subpoena from the wife of her lover, literally blaming her for ruining their marriage.

She cracked and she just took an entire bottle of pills because, as she puts it, she wanted to be “away from the noise” – but she’s adamant she didn’t try to take her own life for a man.

“I think I was just overloaded with everything, with carrying six years of so much. I always take a licking and keep on ticking… it just became heavy for me to the point that I just wanted to be away from the noise,” she explains.

“There’s so much that people don’t understand. They just see the glitz and the glamour, and they feel like life is so perfect, but we’re human and we go through things,” the AI season 3 winner says.

In the same interview, the singer also talks about her stay in the hospital and how she came to realize that there are people out there who wish her well and would rather she lived because she’s talented and special.

Since she’s left the facility, Fantasia has been working closely with a life coach and it’s to him that the fans owe her recent interview, because he showed her the best way to get over this is to talk about the pain and the hurt that pushed her to the edge.