The mother and her cubs are taken from the attic of a house and moved to safety

Jul 14, 2012 10:16 GMT  ·  By

Quite often, raccoons, squirrels and other similar animals choose attics as their nurseries, as apparently this part of a house is sufficiently secluded and insulated to both give them a sense of safety and help keep them warm.

However, construction materials such as fiberglass and asbestos can seriously impact on their health, which is why environmentalists and conservationists help relocate them most of the time.

Just recently, a mother raccoon and her four cubs were removed by Humane Wildlife Services from an attic and made to go in search of a safer – yet equally comfortable – home.

As you can see in the video, the mother was allowed to carry her youngsters to their new hiding place all by itself, so as to keep human-animal interaction down to a minimum.