Aug 12, 2010 06:22 GMT  ·  By

Facebook’s move in the location-based services market is apparently very close to launch. The latest rumors say the release date is within weeks. While it has been known that Facebook is working on a geolocation feature, the launch date as a well as the specifics of the product have not been revealed.

Now Cnet has uncovered some of the details. For one, the feature is said to be coming very soon. At the same time, it will be more than just a Foursquare competitor, in fact it is going to integrate with the location-based service and others.

Facebook’s product will offer ‘check ins,’ the possibility to mark your presence at any location or venue. However, it will also compete with offerings like Google Places or Twitter Places.

The social network will provide an API for developers which may enable third-parties, including Foursquare, Gowalla and the rest of the bunch, to integrate their products with Facebook. Users can check in using their favorite apps and their actions will then show up on Facebook as well.

However, it looks like Facebook is looking to create its own check-in features as well as the recent Hot Potato acquisition indicates. Facebook is also said to have been interested in acquiring Foursquare, but refused to pay the sum the startup asked for.

Another major component of Facebook’s plans is the ‘places’ feature. The social network is said to have partnered with Localeze to provide Facebook with a places database. Localeze also has a similar deal with Twitter. The microblogging platform recently launched Twitter Places and has an interest in the location-based services market, as well.

Google also has a stake in the space with Google Places which is now almost one year old. Facebook may prove one of Google’s biggest competitors as it is already in a great position with the regular Facebook fan pages.