In order to obtain more applications

Sep 18, 2007 09:43 GMT  ·  By

The famous social networking service Facebook is preparing what seems to be the most attractive offer for the Internet users as they are going to give no less than $10 million for new applications compatible with the service. According to I4U News, Facebook wants to work with Accel Capital and The Founders Fund to provide up to $250,000 in funds for every developer who wants to build applications for the service. "Hundreds of companies have created more than 4,000 applications that run inside Facebook and let users know what each other are watching on Web, how they are feeling at the moment or their favorite movies or music," the same source wrote.

Facebook grew up a lot and became the main competitor for MySpace, a social network which was used to lead the market and attract the majority of users. But it seems like Facebook really wants to become the top player of the industry and these funds will surely boost its popularity among the Internet users and entrepreneurs.

"We are looking for innovative and disruptive things," Mark Zuckerberg said according to I4U news. "With just a little bit of capital, a company can grow to hundreds of thousands of users."

And this was proved several times by multiple solutions. Take the example of YouTube, the online video sharing service owned by Google. Although YouTube was supported by a huge amount of money coming from the Mountain View company, it grew up a lot and became one of the most popular web resources. For example, YouTube received the fourth place in Alexa after top brands such as Yahoo, MSN and Google. If you have a look at the evolution of YouTube, you should be able to see that YouTube continued to grow up constantly since it was acquired by Google, October 2006.