ASDA scams that try to trick users into completing surveys are back

Dec 10, 2013 07:56 GMT  ·  By

It’s been a while since we’ve warned about ASDA scams on Facebook. However, that doesn’t mean they’re gone. Scammers are counting on the fact that many people are anxious to do some shopping before Christmas, so they’ve launched another Facebook scam.

According to Graham Cluley, the bogus Facebook posts promise users free ASDA vouchers.

“Get Free £500 ASDA Voucher Now. (173 Left). Claim your Free £500 ASDA Voucher this Christmas. Offer still open!” the scam messages read.

Users who click on the links are taken to a bogus ASDA page where they’re instructed to share the page along with a comment like “Thanks I love Asda.”

Once this is done, victims are presented with a survey that they must complete to allegedly win the shopping voucher. However, there’s no prize, and the campaign has nothing to do with ASDA. The scammers, on the other hand, make some money each time the surveys are completed.

By tricking users into sharing the posts, the cybercrooks actually make sure that a lot of people are lured to their scammy website. They’re aware of the fact that Facebook members are more likely to trust an offer recommended by their friends.

“Always be careful what you believe, and what you click on, on Facebook. Sadly, you cannot rely upon Facebook to properly police the scams which often spread across its site,” Cluley advises.

In October 2012, UK’s premium rate services regulator PhonepayPlus fined a couple of companies responsible for running scams that leveraged the name and reputation of retailers such as ASDA and Tesco.

On the other hand, it’s clear that not even large fines will discourage scammers from trying to trick Facebook users.