Will enable users to get the most recent stories on top if they want to

Nov 10, 2011 14:10 GMT  ·  By

In a somewhat rare move, Facebook is backtracking on a rather controversial change it introduced a month and a half ago. No, the Facebook Ticker is not going anywhere and neither is the Facebook Timeline.

But Facebook is now giving users the option to move the 'Top Stories' from the top of the news feed and receive the most recent updates instead.

"Now you have a new way of sorting your News Feed: most recent stories first. You can also continue to view highlighted stories first, followed by recent stories, like what you see today," Facebook wrote in an update to the original announcement.

"If you don't have the updates to News Feed yet, you can expect to see them over the coming weeks as the rollout continues," it said.

Prior to the update, the most recent stories were placed on top, regardless if you were following the regular News Feed, which hand picked the most important stories, or the full update stream which contained all of your friends' updates.

At the f8 conference, Facebook unveiled a mixture of the two. Top Stories from the period since your were last on Facebook would be placed at the top of the News Feed.

This was meant to ensure that you didn't miss out on the important stuff, no matter how often you visited the site. Below that, you'd get the most recent updates from Facebook, as they came in.

But a lot of people weren't too fond of Top Stories or what Facebook determined was a top story.

It seems that the criticism was enough for Facebook to implement a change, giving users the option of placing the most recent stories on top. The feature will be dubbed 'Sort' and it's rolling out to all users. It looks like Facebook does listen sometimes.