Startup uses UV light to kill germs on your keyboards

Jan 5, 2012 07:54 GMT  ·  By

A startup company in the United States, called Vioguard, announces that it has just received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to sell a keyboard that is capable of cleaning itself up. The device does so without the need for users to touch it, as evidenced by the video above.

The company bases its entire line of reasoning on the fact that keyboards are the most germ-ridden objects most employees touch every day. There are numerous species of microorganisms living within it, some of which feed on crumbs of your launch and snacks.

As such, Vioguard proposes an interesting system, in which users do not have to press any button in order to call out the keyboard. The device spends its time inside an enclosure featuring UV lamps. Ultraviolet light kills the bacteria, and the entire process is automated.

The system is not 100 percent effective, but it works to some extent. However, purchasing this keyboard will set you back about $900 (about 700 euros).