Jobs was considered for a “sensitive position” in the Bush I White House

Feb 9, 2012 15:56 GMT  ·  By

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has published a file on Steven Paul Jobs, the late co-founder and “leader” of Apple Inc. The 191-page document reveals quite a few interesting facts.

For example, in 1991, Jobs was considered for an appointed position on the U.S. President's Export Council. The file release also consists of the FBI's 1985 investigation of a bomb threat against Apple.

A memo summarizing the investigation reveals how “Several individuals commented concerning past drug use on the part of Mr. Jobs.” Others characterized Steve Jobs as "a deceptive individual who is not completely forthright and honest."

Some questioned Mr. Jobs’ honesty stating that “Mr. Jobs will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his goals.”

Yep. Sounds like Steve, alright.