Licking someone's eyeball is the perfect way of saying “I love you,” kids seem to think

Jun 13, 2013 20:21 GMT  ·  By

Out with the boxes of chocolates and cheesy cards, in with saying “yes” to someone's offering to lick your eyeball!

Loads of kids in Japan are now getting pinkeye after letting that special someone stick their tongue inside their eyes.

Eyeball licking, otherwise known as worming or oculolinctus, appears to be a big hit among kids in Japanese elementary and middle schools.

Gawker says that the practice was recently exposed by a teacher, who chanced to stumble upon two kids who were busy showing their love for each other in this wacky way.

“After class one day, I went into the equipment store in the gymnasium to tidy up. The door had been left open, and when I looked inside, a male pupil and a female pupil had their faces close together.”

“Could it be bullying? I wondered, but when I had a good look, the boy was licking the girl’s eye!” the teacher reportedly wrote in a post.

I'm all for doing whatever it takes to prove someone how much you love them, but this just doesn't sound right to me.