Analyst warns that timing could actually hurt Microsoft's reshuffle

Jul 13, 2013 16:41 GMT  ·  By

Forcing Microsoft to work like just one company, with all divisions collaborating on key projects, would seem to be a pretty good idea, but experts warn that timing could actually destroy everything for the Redmond-based tech giant.

Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi said in an interview with CNBC that Steve Ballmer and the other executives should pay more attention to timing, as every project started in the Redmond campus takes way too much time to complete.

"The concern I have is timing. Microsoft's timing has never been their strength. Things take a long time to happen," Milanesi said. "Is this really going to happen or is it going to make it more difficult? Can they operate as one company? It's a huge cultural difference making these changes."

Ballmer claims that his reorganization process would take around one year to complete, so all divisions should get through a major transition in just a few months.

It remains to be seen if this is the right way to go for Microsoft or not. For Ballmer, on the other hand, it's a winning strategy or no strategy at all.