Discover the features of a Facebook account

Nov 5, 2007 16:21 GMT  ·  By

Social networking websites are the most prominent Internet reality. They are widely used for different reasons, such as sharing information, creating connections between people, SEO (search engine optimization), marketing and more. This type of web site is complex in structure, but is driven by a simple idea: the people's communication need.

Facebook is one of the many social networking web sites existing at this moment on the Internet, but it has unique features, as compared with other similar sites. In order to be able to share information with other people on Facebook website, you will need only a valid email address and two minutes spare time to create an account.

After you edit the Facebook profile, you will discover the possibility of setting multiple settings for privacy options. For example, you can limit the number of people who can see your profile or contact information on various levels and as a consequence you can choose to be fully transparent to others in searches or almost invisible.

You are allowed to bring all friends on Facebook only using a simple contact form in which you can import all Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, GMail or MSN email addresses. You could also join various existing networks. Practically, it is possible to do more than you imagine when you have a Facebook account.

Besides the usual personal pictures and video sharing, you can enhance your presence on Facebook by installing various applications like chat systems, games, classified ads, quizzes and more. It is possible to watch and share your favorite YouTube videos and listen to all favorite radio stations. There are also feeds containing information about your friends' actions.

The possibilities of using Facebook features are endless. In order to have a pleasant experience on this social networking site, you should redefine your privacy options and carefully select the type of applications installed and shared with other people across the Facebook network.