Chemicals naturally occurring in cranberries work against bacterial and viral infections, reduce levels of 'bad' cholesterol while improving levels of 'good' cholesterol and are also very potent against many types of cancer

Nov 20, 2006 12:01 GMT  ·  By

Cranberries have multiple benefits on human health, from protecting body cells against free radicals and oxidation to preventing or treating urinary infections, plaque formation on teeth, conditions related to high levels of 'bad' cholesterol in the blood, stroke and a wide range of cancers, including stomach cancer and ulcer, breast cancer.

This is why researchers at the National Institutes of Health have decided to fund an exhaustive study to track down all major benefits cranberries have on human health and list them in detail so that anyone gets to learn why cranberries intake is highly recommended by medical experts and nutritionists. Researcher Amy Howell of the Rutgers University pointed out the fact that cranberries must be enlisted among top foods with proven health benefits, soon to become all-day medicinal fruits from mere seasonal fruits.

The study has not been finished yet, investigations and research led so far found that cranberry juice may be used by women as a natural medicine and antibiotic to prevent or treat urinary infections and by both men and women against many kinds of viral infections.

The nutrients and vitamins in cranberries have anti-infective and anti-inflammatory actions, fighting successfully against urinary tract infections - like cystitis. Berry juice contains "antibiotic" compounds called proanthocyanidins that annihilate the Escherichia coli bacteria which cause urinary tract infections and prevent these bacteria from adhering to the mucosal cells lining the urinary tract.

Earlier tests showed that if poured in a test tube containing Escherichia coli, berry juice can neutralize these bacteria within a 24 hours period. This is why drinking cranberry juice regularly - at least a glass per day - may cause urinary infection risks less likely to occur.

The fruit which acts as a natural antibiotic may be as potent against H. pylori bacteria as it is against Escherichia coli bacteria, therefore regular consumption of cranberries may be very effective against gastritis, ulcer and stomach cancer.

Other findings of the study showed that proanthocyanidine chemical naturally occurring in cranberries also works against plaque formation on teeth and related oral disorders and diseases. Due to the fact that cranberries extract destroys the plaque of bacteria forming on teeth, new mouthwashes containing proanthocyanidine are going to be developed soon, announced researchers involved in the study.

The intake of large amounts of cranberries may also play a role in diabetes and the increase in insulin sensitivity. Due to the fact that cranberries consumption improve 'good' cholesterol levels in the blood stream and reduce at the same time levels of 'bad' cholesterol and sugar, the fruits may be successfully used to cut insulin resistance.

Cranberries were also found to have anti-cancer properties, as they may prevent cancer tumors from forming or may slow down their progression, in breast and other types of cancer.