All come complete with unique play styles and weapons afinities

Nov 27, 2013 10:39 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Sony Online Entertainment says that its upcoming EverQuest Next MMO will include Cleric, Beast Lord and Necromancer classes when it is launched, giving gamers access to a wide array of skills and experiences.

Fans of the project already knew that it would feature the Warrior, Wizard, Tempest, Rogue and Blademaster.

SOE has already revealed that it will include more than 40 classes in EverQuest Next, so more reveals about the MMO are coming in the near future.

Joystiq says that the Cleric can use hammers and will be able to buff and protect enemies while dealing damage with fire-based spells and will be mostly focused on supporting the group he is part of.

Necromancers will focus on dagger and tomes and will get a special companion that grows in power as the player levels up, but he will also have spells that are designed to deal direct damage.

The Beast Lord has pets to unleash on his enemies and fights with spears, flails and shields.

For the first time, Sony Online Entertainment also offers details on the tempest class, which will be able to call on the wind and the lightning in order to supplement the damage done by its own two-blades or two-handed swords.

The studio working on the MMO says that all the classes are designed to offer variety and players are encouraged to try out as many of them as possible when the game is launched.

EverQuest Next is designed to offer a parallel world of Norrath to that seen in other titles in the series, with a lot of familiar locations, but entirely new quests and relationships between the NPCs.

The team working on the game says that the mechanics will be closer to that of the original EverQuest.

The MMO is designed to offer the biggest sandbox ever created and will have a companion title called Landmark.