Torrent site offers the code for download, CCP can't do anything

Apr 15, 2008 10:23 GMT  ·  By

The full source code of the popular MMO game Eve Online has just been made available on a torrent site and thousands of users are said to be downloading it as we speak. Along with the torrent, a chat transcript between Eve's publisher CCP, Morpheus and the poster of the code, Abuser, has been released to prove that developers don't really care about the security problems of the game (however, there is no proof that the discussion really took place).

The source code poster seems to have been upset by the fact that CCP's security doesn't manage to rise to the standards and it is too easy to use Bots or other Scripts in the game. He claims that the only security the system has is a ROLE permission for logins with privileges higher than usual player, and some minor things in relation to prevent some remote service calls (some with potentially bad payload).

Reading the chat transcript, we saw that CCP's Morpheus first thought that the hacker (or whatever the person who got the code should be called) was looking for a job and, after he denied interest and said that he only wanted to know what the programmers had done in relation to client/server security, Morpheus said, "We won't respond to blackmail. If you think we don't care or aren't working on improving security you are sadly mistaken." So... no answer.

The strange thing is not the leak itself or the fact that thousands of people are downloading it (with some of them hoping to be able to modify the game and gain some advantages), but CCP's reaction to the whole problem. Apparently, the official Eve Online forum is being censored, all references related to the code leak being filtered out and the users who bring that up being banned. Also, it seems that CCP have started to seed the torrent themselves in order to see the IP addresses of those who download it, then ban the addresses from the game. Not enough, we would dare to say, since those who are really interested into getting the source code will eventually find it elsewhere, since it started to pop up on other different websites as well. The only remaining question is, "How can the leak of the code influence the game in the future?".