Efficient security measures taken by Estonia

Aug 22, 2007 10:20 GMT  ·  By

At the beginning of this year, hackers had attacked Estonia's online infrastructure. This was quite serious, even the United States sent some experts to help out in their case. You can read an article about this attack by clicking on this link.

Well, the Estonians didn't just leave this matter unattended after the attack had stopped, which just shows us that some countries are really concerned by their Internet security and take things seriously. They had taken a series of measures that are bound to improve their defense against any possible attacks.

As NetworkWorld reports, the first good thing they did was being open, they did not deny that what has happened. It would have been found out anyway since a lot of Internet Service Providers that go through Estonia would have noticed it. After that came the second measure - they asked for help from NATO. I think this attitude is just great and proves how advanced and civilized this country really is. Admitting a problem and asking for help instead of trying to cover it up is something you don't see every day, so way to go!

The third great thing - according to the same site - is the experts' rapid response. They've assisted gov-t officials and network service providers with attack analysis. The faster such problems are attended, the better! Also, Internet Service Providers worked hard on this as well to help relieve the attacks.

The last of the things done after the crisis was having installed high-speed special gear to filter traffic so that there can be no more Denial of Service attacks.

The way they acted was just great and I think more people should take the example that has been set by the Estonians. Also, countries should take Internet Security issues even more into consideration, in my opinion.