Oct 12, 2010 14:15 GMT  ·  By
Justin Bieber fan gets carried away, declares “war” on haters in viral video
   Justin Bieber fan gets carried away, declares “war” on haters in viral video

A foul-mouthed 14-year-old boy who, apparently, is one of Justin Bieber’s biggest fans ever, has openly declared war on all “metalheads” and Bieber haters out there in a YouTube video.

Since he uploaded it 4 days ago, the video has gone viral, while also landing Douglace, the boy in question, smack in the path of Bieber haters, who are now targeting him.

As News.com can confirm, in the 5-minute video, Douglace not only makes a point of calling everyone who doesn’t like Bieber’s music an idiot, but he also goes to detail how well he is connected – and how he can track down those who leave nasty messages on anti-Bieber forums.

Though his intentions are not bad, namely to discourage people from being vocal of their hate of Bieber until they listen to his music at least or out of respect, the outcome is nearly hilarious.

The boy rants for a little over 5 minutes about how he has relatives in high places and will use their skill and knowledge to track down haters – and then have the Bieber fans prank call them.

He also threatens those whose identities he will discover (and there’s no doubt that he will do that) with taking all their personal information, including photos, on line for fans to have their way with them.

To hit the nail in the head, Douglace also gives the haters an ultimatum, after which he concludes they should all go and just “[expletive]” themselves.

“Hello Justin Bieber haters. This video is an open declaration of war to all you freaks. You metal-loving [expletive]heads,” the Bieber fanatic says in the opening of the video.

“Justin Bieber fans and Justin Bieber himself has been receiving a lot of hate and we’ve had disliking Justin Bieber’s videos, for example, one of my favorite Justin Bieber videos, One Time, has received more dislikes than likes,” Douglace goes on to say.

“And, you know, the people who are disliking it are just a bunch of idiots who are jealous of Justin,” he naturally assumes before bragging about his uncle who works with the FCC.

“You don’t know what I’m capable of,” he threatens. Apparently, he can do anything online, thanks to his connections and his skills.

“I know how to hack and I have connections to people all throughout Europe. They own botnets. They know how to keylog your computer,” he says.

“And might I add, the FCC... actually has connections to the NSA, Homeland Security and the FBI,” Douglace adds.

Unfortunately, his message – or declaration of war as he calls it – failed to get the response he was aiming for. Instead of Bieber haters trembling in fear, he got Bieber haters picking on him and mocking him.

“Over on Facebook, they’ve started the groups Declaration Of War Against Eric Douglace, I Want To Be On Eric Douglace’s List and Eric Douglace Must Die,” News.com says.

Here is the teen’s declaration of war. *Be advised that it contains profane and graphic language that may offend.