Designed to keep kids safe

Jan 12, 2007 08:56 GMT  ·  By

There's no need to repeat that KDDI gathers up the best looking phones, because it has been mentioned many times before. And it's not so hard for them to do that, since they provide phones from various manufacturers like Sanyo, Toshiba or Sony Ericsson, which - for some reason - only come up with great looking phones when they're making them for KDDI.

This month, the au phone provider for KDDI is presenting three very cute mobile phones designed especially for kids. I've mentioned the A5523T before, a phone that was manufactured by Toshiba, and now we're moving on to a more colorful phone, the A5525SA, which - as the "SA" from the name suggests - was manufactured by Sanyo.

Just like the A5523T, this blue clamshell is also fitted with a global positioning system function, which is meant to offer a 'helping hand' to parents by providing them with their child's location at all times. The kid-tracking phone features an emergency button that, if pressed, will automatically initiate a call to a pre-set number.

Parents can also check the route a child is taking with the help of either their mobile phones or a PC. And, as if that weren't enough, the battery is screwed down with a bolt, making it quite hard to power down the phone. Along with the security features, the A5525Sa also comes with a 1.3 megapixel camera, a QVGA resolution screen and MicroSD card slot for expansion, while the design and the color of the phone will fit a child perfectly.

It will be available, as usual, in Japan, where parents are to any extent going to protect their children from harm by equipping them with various devices. And, hey, while you're trying to come up with something useful, why not make it good looking too?