Playing King Arthur II, Victoria II, Skyrim and Driver

Feb 3, 2012 21:21 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: Now that February is actually in full swing, it seems that life has finally returned to the video game launch schedule and there are some interesting games to get busy with during the weekend.

My primary interest will be King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame, which is shaping up to be quite a solid sequel to the original strategy and role-playing mix from developer Neocore Games and publisher Paradox Interactive.

I had some trouble getting the game via Steam, including downloading about 9 GB of game files before being forced to delete them and download the whole thing again, but it is now up and running and delivering some pleasing strategy filled hours.

I also plan to spend time with the newly launched A House Divided expansion for Victoria II, which enhances the overall mechanics of the grand strategy title while also offering some more flavor for the American Civil War.

Andrei Dobra: The weekend will see me spend some time with a few older titles, in the form of Skyrim, Driver: San Francisco and Beat Hazard Ultra.

First up, I’m more than looking forward to going back to Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls game as the newest update, patch 1.4, has seemingly solved a variety of issues and improved performance. I already finished the game’s main story, so the faster loading times and fewer bugs will certainly help me when I’m tackling side quests.

After that, I’m jumping back into the best racing game of last year, Driver: San Francisco. I already finished the story in that game as well, but there are still a variety of extra races and events scattered throughout the Californian city that I must complete.

Last but not least, in order to unwind, I’ll be playing Beat Hazard Ultra, the stunning twin-stick shooter that uses your own music to create different levels. The game has a sharp visual style and even helps me discover songs in my computer I forgot about.