The journey took five days, during which the mare fought off illness and exhaustion

Sep 4, 2012 09:42 GMT  ·  By

A mare from Dartmoor, England, recently proved that animals are as committed to their young ones as humans are, meaning that it embarked on a five-day journey and lead its foal to the safety of a farm before passing away because of illness and exhaustion.

According to veterinarians, the animal died of natural cause, and it is quite likely that it had been aware of its ever-declining health for quite a while. This is why it decided that its foal need be taken to safety, rather than risk it being left all alone in the wild areas of Dartmoor.

“The mother was dying of natural causes and she led the foal to safety. She had the sense to head to her owner’s farm. She knew the route – she had been there many times before."

Furthermore, "They are amazing animals and perfectly adapted to Dartmoor,” said one of the people now in charge of taking care of the foal.

Sources say that, although also weakened to some extent, the foal is expected to soon make a full recovery, as it is properly taken care of at a farm in England.