Publisher will also support brick and mortar stores

Jul 4, 2012 00:01 GMT  ·  By

Publisher Electronic Arts has always been keen to introduce more digital options for its core franchises, generating more revenue from them during each quarter, and one of the leading executives working at the company says that the overall aim is to make the entire product line available digitally.

Frank Gibeau, the boss of the EA Games label, has told Games Industry that, “For us, the fastest growing segment of our business is clearly digital and clearly digital services and ultimately Electronic Arts, at some point in the future we’re going to be a 100% digital company, period. It’s going to be there some day. It’s inevitable.”

The executive was not able to give a clear timeline for the transition, but he believes that the process is a short-term one.

Gibeau added, “The ultimate relationship is the connection that we have with the gamer. If the gamer wants to get the game through a digital download and that’s the best way for them to get it, that’s what we’re going to do.”

The transition does not mean that physical packages will be eliminated and that brick and mortar stores will disappear.

They will still be offered to those who plan to collect Special Editions of their favorite titles and for those who lack the connectivity options to get everything via digital means.

Some sources have said that the next generation of home consoles from both Sony and Microsoft will include options to digitally distribute titles, which would make the transition that Electronic Arts predicts much easier.

Sony also recently bought cloud gaming and streaming company Gaikai, although it has not offered any clear details on how it will use its technology in the future.

Electronic Arts also has plans to integrate complex connectivity options for all its core titles, from SimCity to the new Need for Speed: Most Wanted.