Special edition launched in the States

Sep 25, 2008 16:01 GMT  ·  By

It's a bit hard to believe that it's been almost ten years since we saw the first game in the Medal of Honor franchise released. Back in 1999, Electronic Arts published a short game developed by Dreamworks  Interactive, which would later become EA Los Angeles, for the PlayStation. Nobody would've thought that, on a market saturated beyond any imaginable point of shooters based on World War II, this game would become the hit franchise it is now. To celebrate it, EA is launching a commemorative collection with all the five games in the series.

Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Medal of Honor Spearhead, Medal of Honor Breakthrough, Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Director’s Edition, and Medal of Honor Airborne will all be included in a special collection along with some very interesting bonus features. A CD containing the most important soundtracks found in these games, strategy guides for every game and a DVD full of documentaries and interviews with old veterans from World War II will also be included in this special edition. Priced at only 39 dollars, it's unquestionably something interesting for the fans of the franchise.

Unfortunately, this edition is right now only available in the United States, with no clear release date for other territories. It would definitely be a shame if this collection didn't make it to other countries. From the large pack of war based shooters, MoH was really a game that brought innovation and fresh ideas as opposed to the other titles. For example, in the latest release, MoH: Airborne, the point of view on the war was shifted to the paratroopers. They entered the war with the sole purpose of going behind enemy lines and setting things up for the main ground assault. Nobody else had tried that before in a WWII game; some of those innovations are responsible for what MoH is today, and that's why we're wishing it Happy Birthday!