Waterstone's book retailer describes the novel as filling the gap in the story for the next game, set 200 years after Oblivion

Oct 26, 2009 10:50 GMT  ·  By

Greg Keyes is somewhat more known for his contribution to the Star Wars Expanded Universe than any of his other works, but he's about to become popular for his direct involvement with Elder Scrolls game series as well. It may not be what many people would expect from a novelist, but it's definitely something that can't be ignored on his list of achievements. The author of The Elder Scrolls: Infernal City novel is a piece of the puzzle that unfolded as a possible Elder Scrolls V. He is the piece that acted as a launching point for a Bethesda rumor.

Waterstone's is just one of the places where his Elder Scrolls novel is being sold, and we can only be happy for that. That's because a slip of the tongue on their site revealed some truly glorious information. According to the Waterstone's short description they put on their site for the book, the novel is linked to a new game in the series. "A novel that takes places forty-five years after the Oblivion Crisis, which is the story of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion game and the expansion pack Shivering Isles. It partly bridges the gap for the next game, which is set 200 years after the Oblivion crisis."

Waterstone's is major a British book retailer established in 1982 by Tim Waterstone, that, according to their own manifesto posted on the their site, consider that “Waterstone's aims to interest and excite its customers and continually inspire people to read and engage in books.” Books may not have all that much to do with things right now, but they've surely stirred our interest.

With reliable sources like Greg Keyes's novel and the Waterstone's book preview, Bethesda's cover is pretty much blown. It's not even close to an official announcement, and absolutely nothing is know right now about the game, except that it may be in development. That's about as thin as rumors get but it's still enough to give us hope. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion turned out to be a great game and sold as would be expected of one. It was awarded an above 9 average rating on all platforms on which it was released and won a lot of game awards. It is a sandbox RPG, worthy member of the Elder Scrolls series and a proud follower of the brilliant Morrowind.