Makers say the wood comes from sustainable sources, is not tainted by chemicals

Apr 4, 2014 09:37 GMT  ·  By

I love, adore and worship my morning cup of coffee, and I'm sure there are plenty of other people in this world who feel the same about this heavenly, nectar-like brew.

The trouble is that, too often, coffee aficionados sip their daily dose of liquid energy from single-use cups. The result is that, in time, landfills come to accommodate for quite a lot of coffee cups, and Mother Nature is not exactly happy about it.

Hoping to solve this problem, the folks at Dryad Coffee have developed a collection of sustainable mugs that, as surprising as this may sound, are made neither from ceramic, nor plastic. Not even good old paper.

On the contrary, these mugs, one of which is pictured above, are made from wood. As reported by Trend Hunter, the folks behind this initiative swear that the wood comes from sustainable sources alone, and that it is not tainted by any chemicals.

Apart from regular mugs, which I assume can be used for something other than coffee (although the thought of drinking anything that is not coffee quite frankly baffles me), Dryad Coffee makes travel mugs and cup sleeves.

The greenheads behind this initiative are just now working to get their products on the market and expect that they will debut a regular production schedule this coming May. Head over to Kickstarter to learn more about this project, maybe even support it.