Scientist says our moon might have belonged to Venus at some point in the past

Sep 30, 2013 17:16 GMT  ·  By

Speaking at a recent conference in London, scientist Dave Stevenson's with the California Institute of Technology said that our moon might have belonged to Venus at some point in the past.

The researcher argued that, though many believe that our planet's satellite formed in the aftermath of a collision that occurred some 4.5 billion years ago, it is possible that Earth borrowed the moon from its neighbor.

Specifically, it used its gravitational pull to bring it near it, and then refused to let go, Nature World News details.

Given the fact that, as several previous investigations have shown, the Earth's and the moon's chemical make-up are not very different from one another, odds are that many will be quick to dismiss this new theory concerning the formation of the moon.

The only way to prove that our planet's satellite belonged to Venus billions of years ago is to figure out whether or not this planet's chemical composition is also similar to that of the moon.