Players will be unable to share one and get content from other regions

Dec 5, 2011 15:39 GMT  ·  By

Sony has announced that each PlayStation Vita sold will only allow the registration of one PlayStation Network ID, limiting the ability of gamers to take advantage of the fact that the upcoming handheld is not region locked.

Presumably the measure is a way of making sure that gamers do not massively import both consoles and games from Japan, where the device will be available about two months earlier than it is in the West.

The problem is that the one PSN ID limitation also means that parents and children will be unable to share one console, something that is apparently rather common with the original PSP.

The measure also means that gamers will only get downloadable content from one of the PSN stores.

Players might get around the restriction by using a memory card to save a complete second profile and swap between the two, even this will mean that content cannot be shared between them.