Promises new innovations

Nov 3, 2008 10:18 GMT  ·  By

Electronic Arts doesn't really have a good reputation amongst the gamer community, partly because it is committed to launching titles in its major franchises on a yearly basis, a strategy that makes the games very repetitive and similar to the old ones.

But things are starting to change for the major company because, as president Frank Gibeau said, the new philosophy is to release original games and to focus on creating new IPs (Intellectual Properties), even if it means taking risks with the development process.

It's really interesting to hear this, but recently, John Riccitiello, CEO of Electronic Arts, revealed that this year's major titles from EA, like Army of Two, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, Dead Space or Mirror's Edge would get sequels. He was then quick to mention that the titles in question would not be released on a yearly basis, highlighting the fact that the "quality over quantity" philosophy was still in place in the major corporation.

Although the fact that quality games like Dead Space or Mirror's Edge will get new titles sounds pretty good, the gamer community isn't extremely confident that EA will deliver the same quality products that were the first games. The company hasn't become very popular in the eyes of gamers, but if it manages to release quality titles for these series, then things might change.

The fact that an Army of Two sequel is planned isn't very shocking considering the fact that EA has sold the rights to a movie based on the game to a Hollywood studio. A timed movie and game release might bring EA quite a decent amount of money, seeing as how the first title didn't do very well but gained quite a lot of fans, who might be interested in seeing the motion picture of their favorite game.

Only time will tell whether or not EA will deliver quality sequels to these titles, but knowing how the company is emphasizing quality, hopes are pretty high.