The hacker only took the information belonging to children

Nov 24, 2011 08:57 GMT  ·  By
The hacked section of the database contained information belonging to children
   The hacked section of the database contained information belonging to children

The website of a Dutch television show called Sinterklaas was hacked and the personal information of 13,000 children was stolen.

DutchNews reports that the names, dates of birth and email addresses of the youths could be found in the database breached by the hacker.

The information was stored in the database since the website has a section where children can upload their drawings and download images that they can later color, but it turns out that the security measures that guarded the databases weren't updated since 2008.

Unlike in other cases, the children involved aren't exposed to identity theft, as they're probably too young to own a bank account, but their email addresses can be used for all sorts of malware spreading campaigns and other malicious operations.

The hacker claims that the children database is all he took from the breached website, but isn't that enough?