When authorities realized the man didn't call the firefighters for an actual emergency, they arrested him

Feb 2, 2015 14:37 GMT  ·  By

This past Sunday, a man in the US had the not-so-brilliant idea to shove one too many potatoes down this toilet. Unfortunately, things didn't play out quite as planned.

On the contrary, the potatoes clogged the man's toilet. Rather than call for a plumber and have them recover the spuds, the man had yet another positively idiotic idea and pulled the building's fire alarm hoping to get help.

Potatoes and toilets aren't the best of friends

By the looks of it, the reason the unnamed man from the Upper Darby Township in Pennsylvania decided to try and flush his potato stock was that he desperately wanted to get rid of the spuds and was too lazy to take out the trash.

Having shoved several potatoes down his toilet, he eventually figured out that the spuds weren't about to leave him all that easily. Otherwise put, he realized that, while trying to dispose of the potatoes, he only managed to clog his toilet.

When faced with this unfortunate situation, the man first tried to contact his building's maintenance department. However, he didn't get any answer and so decided to take matters into his own hands.

Long story short, the man pulled the building's fire alarm and then patiently waited for the firefighters to come to his rescue. Apparently, this man was pretty much clueless about the fact that fire alarms are for, well, fire emergencies.

How the man ended up being arrested

It is understood that, shortly after arriving at the man's address, firefighters and authorities realized that, although the building had been evacuated while they were on their way, they didn't really have any emergency to tackle.

Soon enough, they discovered that the only reason the fire alarm got pulled was that some guy expected them to unclog his toilet. Seeing how alerting firefighters without a good enough reason is illegal in the US, the man was arrested.

For the time being, it is unclear what the charges filed against the potato enthusiast behind this incident are. Still, it's safe to assume that the man will spend some time behind bars or at least be made to pay a hefty fine once authorities are done with him.