Find out Dropbox's not-really-secret tricks to getting more free space

Nov 22, 2011 20:21 GMT  ·  By
Inviting friends is the simplest way of building up free storage on Dropbox
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   Inviting friends is the simplest way of building up free storage on Dropbox

Dropbox is by far the most popular file sync and cloud storage service. Coming in on 50 million users, it's safe to say that Dropbox has made it big. And, judging by the current growth trend, it's going to get a lot bigger.

There are a couple of key factors which would explain why Dropbox is so popular. The first is because it's so simple, just sign up, install the app and you're done, you just use a folder on your computer, like you always have.

The second factor is the social one. Dropbox is no Facebook, but it used a very simple trick to expand its user base, it relied on the users themselves to promote the app to their friends. In return, they got more free storage.

Yet, despite the second factor and because of the first one, many users don't know that they can get more free storage and even if they do, they don't know how.

Well, you're in luck, since Dropbox has decided to create its own comprehensive guide to getting more free space. These things won't come as much of a surprise to most users, but there could be some useful info in here for you.

Take the tour - 250 MB

The simplest way to getting 250 MB of free storage to add to the 2 GB you get by default is simply to complete the Dropbox tour created for new users. Tell your friends - 250 MB per friend, up to 8GB 500 MB per friend, up to 16 GB

The most 'profitable' way to get more free storage is to get your friends to sign up for Dropbox. For each 'contract' you bring in, you get 250 MB 500 MB (Dropbox doubled the referal bonus). No matter how good a salesman you are though, you can only get a maximum of 8 GB 16 GB of free storage this way.

Become a student - 500 MB per friend

OK, there's probably not much you can do about this one, you're either a student or you're not, unless more free Dropbox space motivates you to go back to school.

If you are a student though, with a verified .edu email account, you get 500 MB of bonus storage for each friend you bring in.

Pay for it - 50 GB, 100 GB or even 1 TB

Of course, if you really need the space, the simplest way is to actually pay for it. The Dropbox team also occasionally runs various contests and challenges which could net you more free storage.

UPDATE: 3GB for photo uploads

For a while, Dropbox offered up to 5 GB for free to those that tested the beta or experimental versions of Dropbox with automatic photo uploads. Everyone can now get 3 GB for free this way, 500 MB for the first photo you upload and up to 3 GB for photos and videos weighing 3GB.

Link up your Dropbox to social networking accounts

You get 128 MB bonus for linking Dropbox to your Twitter or Facebook accounts, another 128 MB for following @Dropbox and so on up to a total of 640 MB.

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Inviting friends is the simplest way of building up free storage on Dropbox
You get double bonuses for inviting friends if you're a user
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