Four or five people suffered minor injuries that did not require hospitalization

Aug 27, 2013 11:14 GMT  ·  By
“Running of the Bulls” makes first victims, four to five people suffer minor injuries when a drone falls on top of them
   “Running of the Bulls” makes first victims, four to five people suffer minor injuries when a drone falls on top of them

A drone has malfunctioned and crashed at the Virginia Motorsports Park on Saturday. The incident happened during the Great Bull Run, the first time the spectacle is offered in the States.

The phenomenon, which is still very popular in Spain, allows visitors to be chased by bulls in a space equipped for the event.

A video by a local news station captures the moment in which a man-made aerial device, presumably used to capture footage of the run, falls into the crowd.

"Oh! It just hit a dude in the face! It was just falling in the sky ... Oh, my god. That was crazy. It hit him right in the face," one bystander says as the camera is rolling.

The Washington Post revealed that four or five people incurred minor injuries and they were treated at the park.